Um since I have like nothing to blog about, I’m just going to blog about a moment that happened two years ago. So like two years ago my siblings were in soccer, and they loved it. It wasn’t actually like a season cause they kept no record, and there were only like six games. So one day my sister and brother had practice. My brother was supposed to be practicing shooting, running, and passing while my sister did shooting, tackling, running, and passing. So for the next two hours I would have to sit with my parents and grandparents watching my siblings practice. After like an hour I got bored so I decided to play with some little boys who were playing with one giant goal. They said yes and we all did a 2v2, but of course I have to stick with some seven year old boy. But even though the teams were unfair I still had fun. Because man was it so funny seeing me destroying them. Everywhere I went they couldn’t touch me or the ball. I was either too fast or too strong. I would be scoring over and over and over. Until these two other boys that seem to know the two boys we were against decided to play also. Then they came up with the idea of doing a 4v2. But even with that huge disadvantage, we still won. Oh yeah I almost forgot, while we were playing it started to rain really hard. So like all the teams either left or wilted for the rain to stop, but we just kept playing until one of the boys parents said they had to go.
Oh yesssss, only one more blog to go. But anyways, I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog. Update: Never mind, I forgot there is only 30 days in April. My bad, so that means today is the last day of the Slice if Life Challenge. Welp, I hoped you enjoyed this as much as I did.
Aaliyah K.
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Monday, April 29, 2019
April 29th
Today was a pretty boring day so like if you’re are super bored maybe this blog will cure your bored ness. So after a boring but good day at school, I went home to eat pizza! After I got finished I was told that I had basketball practice today. But that’s not what today’s blog is about. So after I got done I cleaned up, did some laundry, did the dishes, got my uniform ready for tomorrow, got my basketball cloths ready, charged my siblings iPads, and did homework for the next two hours. But I was pretty bored when I was getting my cloths ready so I decided to play on my PS4. So like since I had nothing to do I just challenged myself in a scrimmage mode on one of my basketball games, where all of my five players had to score exactly 60 points on a 100% shooting percentage. I may or may not have adjusted the sliders a bit but this challenge is suppose to be possible. It was actually really difficult because you had to count each point halfway for each player. Cause I like to balance things a lot. So my players would first score 10 threes which would equal 30 points, then they would score another 30 points but instead of three pointers it would be layups or jumps shots. But sometimes the players could be on the line and count the basket as a two, or maybe score a little bit too many points. So after like six tries I finally beat the challenge and got back to my routine before basketball practice.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and I’m so excited cause I have to only do two more blogs! Whipeeeee!
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and I’m so excited cause I have to only do two more blogs! Whipeeeee!
Aaliyah K.
April 28th
Welcome back, in this blog I will be continuing my previous blog. If you’ve forgotten let me refresh your memory. “Today I had a 3-game basketball tournament! One at 8:55, one at 10:15, and one at 12:45. But I played three more games in between those games cause my coach wanted me to play with the 8th-9th grade girls. Which means some of the other teams girls were going to be freshmen!” So I left off where I was playing with my 6th-7th grade girls in the championship. So we played against this team that looked kinda tough. Why, because they had about four girls who were tall as heck. At first the game was all about defense, steals, blocks, turnovers, even almost making fast break points. But after a while we started gaining a lead. After the first quarter the other team was still at 0 points while we had 15. Then after that the game was a sudden blowout. We were playing better on offense, making our layups/three pointers, and even playing great defense. They may have scored once at the free throw line but we still pulled out to win. After we got done taking photos I thought it was time to go home, but my coach said he wanted me to stay for one more game at 2. I said yes but really he didn’t need me at all. Cause during the game like he would be me and a friend of mines in for like two minutes. Four minutes was the longest he ever put us in throughout the whole day! But like the problem just isn’t him, cause whenever I get open I’m either not passed the ball, or the girl with the ball just drives towards me which makes me move out the way. But you know what happened after they decide not to pass it to me, it’s either a turnover or a terribly forced shot. So yeah I don’t even know how we won in double overtime, but my friend and I were really angry at the end. And I’m not even being salty, literally like we could’ve just left in the middle of the game and it would be ok cause they didn’t need us at all. So yeah after the game we took a couple of pictures and then said our goodbyes.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and I almost forgot to said this but, after I got home I took a shower and ate, my family and I went to go watch Avengers: End Game!
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and I almost forgot to said this but, after I got home I took a shower and ate, my family and I went to go watch Avengers: End Game!
Aaliyah K.
April 27th
Today I had a 3-game basketball tournament! One at 8:55, one at 10:15, and one at 12:45. But I played three more games in between those games cause my coach wanted me to play with the 8th-9th grade girls. Which means some of the other teams girls were going to be freshmen! I was so excited, but what I didn’t know was that I wasn’t going to get much playing time. So for our first game we went against a very bad team. We blew them out by a lot but it wasn’t just one or two players. Because our coach had actually fused the 7th and 6th grade girls together. So basically everyone had two or three chances at making a shot. Not all of them made their shots, but at least everyone got a chance. After that it was the older girls first game. And I was actually one of the starting five! Yeah, it may have been that three 8th graders were coming late but who cares, I got to start against freshmen! So like I had 2 chances at first to try and score, but let me tell you, scoring against freshmen is very difficult as a 6th grader. So for my first shot which was a three I air balled badly. My second shot which was a driving layup got blocked. But here’s the funny thing, the girl who blocked didn’t even have to jump. And lastly with like 9 minutes left in the game I took a jumper and got blocked from behind. It was a bad start at first, but I still had four more games to play. So back to my original team, this was was a tough team at first, but then we got our momentum back and won 22-5. I then played with the 8th-9th grade girls again, but for this game I barely played at all. The only times I did go in two things happened. I missed a wide open layup, and I scored a wide open layup. I may have been subbed out on the next play, but I just scored against freshmen! Then it was back to the 6th-7th grade girls. But this time was the championship game.
Ok since this blog is getting a little long I’m going to continue this in my next one. But I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog.
Aaliyah K.
Ok since this blog is getting a little long I’m going to continue this in my next one. But I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog.
Aaliyah K.
April 26th
Today I had another softball game. But not with my own team, but with Berwyn’s Juniors. Yep, since the coach off the team needed two more players, I and one if my teammates offered to play in that spot. But this wasn’t the only time I’ve played with older girls in softball. Last time this happened, I was in 4th grade! So once my dad and I got there, all the girls on the team started hugging me. Why you may ask, well because I played with all the girls on this team in Fall Ball. So after like 30 minutes of practicing/warmups it was game time. So for some reason I led off, but for the first pitch I wasn’t suppose to swing. Why, because the team we were playing this was their first softball team since 1951! Yeah, I just decided to help a random team and then I’m received with such honor. So after the first pitch which was given to the manager of the team, the game had now officially begun. So I went 1-4. (I forgot if a walk counts, but I’m still going to count it) Three strikeouts and a walk. Yeah so like the pitches were coming in fast and let me remind you, I was playing against 14-15 year olds. Or as we call them, Juniors. So on my walk, I couldn’t steal second cause there was a girl already there. But after a walk I was able to get to second, then the catcher throws a bad “pass” to the pitcher which goes into the outfield. And because of that, the runner on third and me on second made it to home. Then since none of their catchers were there, I catched. I did pretty good, I stopped some wild pitches, almost got someone out a home, and made good throws to second. Even after the game, people were complementing me about how good I was doing. I was very happy with myself, and even though I only scored once on the field, I did a great job when catching.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and I can’t wait until I finish the Slice of Life blog Challenge!
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and I can’t wait until I finish the Slice of Life blog Challenge!
Aaliyah K.
Friday, April 26, 2019
April 25th
Today I had a softball game! So I don’t know if I’ve blogged about my second game, but right now we’re 2-0. But this game was meant to be more competitive because were were going against Riverside. The team who purposely forfeited against Brookfield (who was in last place) to play us and eliminate us. Yeah but it seems like all their older/travel girls had moved up a level with the juniors I think so we wouldn’t be seeing them again. So this game we only had 10 girls come to the game. But I mean in our last game, all of our girls showed up. But 7/10 of our team was made up of pitchers. So you may think, oh well you might lose since you don’t have the right players at the positions. Well, you’re wrong! Cause all of our pitchers have a secondary position like right field, center field, left field, shortstop, and second. And you may be thinking, well you only stated five positions even though they’re seven pitchers. But the reason I did this was because one of those seven pitchers were pitching, and another one of those seven pitchers was sitting out cause we had 10 girls with only nine positions to play in. Yeah so back to the game, my highlights were getting hits like singles and doubles, stealing bases, picking off a careless runner at first, having good throws to second and third, (I almost got outs) and my best highlight was when I was at third and the pitcher slowly walked back to the mound without looking at me, so I took off and stole home with a clean slide. My teammates highlights were having great pitching, outstanding hitting/fielding, and great chants/teamwork. So we won 15-3 and we’re official 3-0!
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, maybe we might go 4-0 in our next game.
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, maybe we might go 4-0 in our next game.
Aaliyah K.
April 23rd
Today my siblings and I got an exiting surprise. So my mom had told us that our uncle was going to take us out to eat. Well it wasn’t our uncle, it was actually our grandparents! Why may I seem surprise seeing my grandparents, well because the last time we saw them was three months ago! We were so exited, that we didn’t know where to eat. Cause they had asked us where we would want to eat. I obviously said Red Lobster since I love that place but I took a hard and rejected no. But then my sister said we should go eat at Famous Dave’s near the mall. And what did she get, a graceful yes. Well it would be a yes for me since it’s been a long time since the last time we ate there. So we went over there and order the All-American barbecue feast. (At least that’s what I think it’s called) It didn’t take us long until we fully devoured the feast. I took all of the cole-slaw cause I love it, and yes I did ask if anyone wanted anything but they said no. After we finished my grandma decided to get this brownie-nut-ice cream-sundae. It was very delicious, so after we finished I think the bill was like $108. But anyways, we thanked our grandparents and said goodbye until next weekend.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and if you get the chance go to Famous Dave’s and order the brownie-nut-ice cream-sundae.
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and if you get the chance go to Famous Dave’s and order the brownie-nut-ice cream-sundae.
Aaliyah K.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
April 24th
Today’s was very tiring. So there was this announcement about this dodgeball tournament against Freedom Middle School. So some of you may know, I absolutely hate Freedom, but that is for another blog to tell. Anyways I really wanted to join but I found out you have to make a team of 8-10 players. I have no clue why but from what my EXCEL teacher said, we have to find our own teammates. So I basically barely got any sleep the day before because I was coming up with a plan for who to sign up. Because you have the find your teammates, have then get their parents signature, then sign up, then pay a dollar a join, and all of this had to be done by Monday. But anyways, first I would get eight extra copies of the form, get the eight or nine people to sign up, sign their names on their teammates paper, bring their own papers home, get their parents signature, bring a dollar, and then they would give me their papers by Friday. I mean there are a lot of ways that this plan could go wrong. People wouldn’t join, people would forget about the signature, (I already have the money covered) or I’ve run out of athletic people to join my team. So I’m just hoping by Monday I will have four girls and five girls whose forms are ready and waiting for the tournament to start.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and I’ve noticed I’m almost caught up with my blogs!
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and I’ve noticed I’m almost caught up with my blogs!
Aaliyah K.
April 20th
Today my sister and I made slime! Why you may ask, well I don’t exactly know either, she just brought the materials to make slime one day and we decided to make it. So she had glue, food coloring, baking soda, and shaving cream. The water we obviously had, and then it was time to start. So we got two little bowls since the materials we had weren’t a lot. Then once we were done I started watching some videos on YouTube about how to make slime. I did the directions as carefully as possible. Pour the all of the glue in one bowl, pour water in the glue, mix it, then pour warm water in your other bowl, add a teaspoon of borax, mix it until it’s dissolved, then add four tablespoons of borax in the other bowl, continue mixing until it starts to stick together, then start “touching the slime. I forgot when your suppose to add the food coloring, but it’s not like this was suppose to be a tutorial on how to make slime.
Ok yes I know this blog may have been shorter than the rest of my others, but I’m starting to run out of ideas on what to write about. But anyways, I hoped you enjoy today’s blog!
Aaliyah K.
Ok yes I know this blog may have been shorter than the rest of my others, but I’m starting to run out of ideas on what to write about. But anyways, I hoped you enjoy today’s blog!
Aaliyah K.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
April 19th
Today I went to Proska park with my sister and mom. So I was just obviously playing tag with my sister until she decided to be the wannabe show off sister. So she decided to challenge me in the monkey bars and she almost embarrassed me. So at first we both had a little practice then it was time. Whoever could make it to the end of the money bars first. I had the small movable ones, she had the big non movable one. But first let me just tell you something, someone as strong as me can struggle on the monkey bars. Cause look, I weigh over 100 pounds (cause of my muscles duh) so having to life my self and move as well for over 30 seconds is going to be here. But for here, only weighing like 20 pounds and her moving and lifting herself up is much more easier. So she won like straight off the bat but I wanted my rematch. Of course though while of all this was happening, my mom was recording us live on Facebook. Why why must you always torture me mother. Well anyways, after our like third to last battle I finally won because I had a strategy. Because since I weigh more I needed more balance, so since I am a righty I would do the monkey bars on my right side. This was easier because all of my weight will be out on my very strong right arm. I won in seconds then we did two more battles. She may have won the most overall, but next time I will destroy her!
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and if you have a younger sister, challenge them to a race on the monkey bars.
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and if you have a younger sister, challenge them to a race on the monkey bars.
Aaliyah K.
April 21st
Today my dad and siblings and I went to Proska Park to get some extra practice. This hour long practice would be for all three of us, and a little for my dad. So we started out fielding for my waisted and I since she might be a first baseman. So my dad would be hitting softballs to me or my sister. If he did it to me, I would either overhand or underhand throw to her. But if it was hit to her, then she would run back to first base. And while my dad was hitting us softballs, my brother would be running to first, so we had a very slow timer on us. After about like 30 throws, running back and forth, and hitting my sister and I switched. But my sister was actually a lot more better at second base, she was stopping fast balls coming at her, and making decent throws to first. Once again after like 30 throws it was time for batting. My sister started first with 10 hittable pitches to her, she made really good contact with the ball. Then once she was done it was my brother turn. After we got the t-ball set ready and his baseballs he was making some pretty decent hits. He may have struggled at first, but overall he did pretty good at batting. Then he did like 10 throws to my dad. Then it was my turn, 15 good pitches at me, obviously crushed them all to the outfield. After we finished we went to the park until we were finally exhausted. So we had to go home, take a shower, eat, and get ready for bed.
I hoped you all enjoyed today’s blog. And if you get the chance, try out softball and/or baseball.
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you all enjoyed today’s blog. And if you get the chance, try out softball and/or baseball.
Aaliyah K.
April 18th
Today I went shopping at Dick’s Sporting Goods with my family! So we were going here to get some softball/T-ball equipment for my siblings. So for my sister she needed softball pants, a helmet, a bat, a glove, batting gloves, and softball shoes. For my brother he needed a bat and a glove cause everything else was going to be given to him during his games. As for me I really didn’t want to get anything. But my parents decided to get me this basketball headband that sucks up your sweat from your head, and helps your hair not get in your way. It was pretty cheap so I decided to get it for my parents. We may of had a few fail attempts during the dressing, but we finally found the perfect fit for the both of them. But once we were walking to the cashier to pay for the equipment, my mom saw this batting simulator. Where you’re supposed to hit this baseball-softball at a animated wall and the wall will show you how far it goes. It’s kinda like those golf simulators but instead it’s softball/baseball. I didn’t want to try it because I was just going to embarrass my self and waste my moms money. Even though she insisted, I didn’t want to do it anyways. So once we paid (not really, just my mom and dad) and driver home, my siblings were ready for their season.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog. And I’ll maybe try next time to do that softball/baseball simulator.
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog. And I’ll maybe try next time to do that softball/baseball simulator.
Aaliyah K.
April 17th
Today I went to this bouncy house place in the mall. It was cool because I was popular. So it started out where my siblings and I were getting ready to go play. It was kinda awkward since it was our first time but pretty easy to have fun. We started out trying all the bounce houses for at least 10 minutes. Then once my siblings started following and fighting this wannabe popular Spider-Man I got to become popular. So this one bounce house with a slide on it, I decided to do a challenge. I would see who could possibly run and climb up the long slide victorious. Obviously though, no one could make it except for me and my wannabe show off sister. It was really fun, having all the attention on me, having little kids look up to me, they even called me cool! I was so happy, I was even more happier that the people who worked there didn’t complain. Then as soon as I leave, I have this 7-8 little girls stating to follow me. I’d said they were between the ages of 5-8. But still who cares, I was the leader to a gang/crew/squad whatever you want to call it. The only bad part was that they would ask me for snacks, so I may or may not have sneaked a few mini snickers for them. And I may or may not have gotten a couple of them in trouble for eating a mini snickers bar. But that’s ok, cause we still had fun in the end!
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and if you want to become a leader of something, go to this bounce house place in the mall.
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and if you want to become a leader of something, go to this bounce house place in the mall.
Aaliyah K.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
April 22nd
Today was my schools Olympics! This event was given to all students who attended all days of IAR Testing. I was exited because I was going to be competing in an event! I was so excited for it. So once all 6th graders went into the gym we all received a ticket, for a surprise at the end. The first event was musical chairs, there were a lot of students but only 4 or 6 teachers. We still lost at the end though. The next event was a matching cup game, teacher vs student and teachers won again. 2-0. Then there was a knockout game/half court shot challenge, we won the half court shot challenge but not knockout. (Cause this one kid was even trying and lost on purpose. We then did this shaking these little beads out of cups with your head and hand. We won that easily because this generation seems to do good in skating their head. Then we had to shake all these balls out of this box, the teachers won that one easily. 4-2. Then there was this matching cups game teacher vs student, the teachers won again. So now since there was only one “event” left and all hope was lost, we students declared our defeat. But I found out that my teacher had picked me to do the pie in the face. I was so exited, but not only that but I was picked to silly string my principals! I was so pumped for it, but I found out later someone else got to do both. So as soon as I get the pie and silly string from a teacher another teacher comes up to me saying I can’t do both. I got really upset but I decided to do the silly string. But what got me angry and upset was that the other student who was chosen for both got to do both! I was so frustrated, like how are you going to say yes to that student but not me. Like I don’t even know you that much but you’re not going to let me do it? Well, at least I still had fun I guess.
I hoped you all enjoyed today’s blog, and if you get the chance try out they Olympics.
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you all enjoyed today’s blog, and if you get the chance try out they Olympics.
Aaliyah K.
Monday, April 22, 2019
April 16th
Today I went to go eat at Benihana for the first time. So my dad who was the birthday boy decided we should go eat there, just to try new things. And at first glanced I loved the place, (Only OG’s of this blog would get it) it was so fancy. I loved how the food smelled and tasted, but the best part was that the chefs cooked in front of you. So after like two minutes my family and I got seats. We sat down, my siblings and I wore these funny chefs hat, and we took our orders. But we had to sit with two other people that I had no clue who they were. I later found out that if your family/friends don’t fill a whole table, then anyone who’s waiting for a table will join you. So it was a mom and a daughter. The mom was probably the most annoying person I have ever met. When the chef was taking orders, cooking, passing out food, even doing his tricks should would be complaining. I mean don’t get me wrong she knew what she wanted to eat, how much she wanted to eat, and what she wanted, but she kept making such a big deal out of it. Then her daughter who was really tall (I thought she was 22) was a 10 year old. I don’t know but 10 year olds can be that tall. But the worst part was the ordering, the chef had great skills but nothing could make me feel better. Some of you may know that I love sushi, and there was this order called “Sushi Sampler” it had sushi, salmon sushi, shrimp sushi, fish sushi, and lobster sushi. It was perfect but when it came to ordering, the waiter said the sushi stand was closed. I Was Devastated! I couldn’t believe such a perfect order wouldn’t be available. I mean at least my shrimp meal was ok. But I still had a good time. We even got free ice cream at the end.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and if you have the chance go to Benihana.
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and if you have the chance go to Benihana.
Aaliyah K.
April 15th
Today I watched the movie Us. But it was very unexpected. So after school I walked home and as soon as I get inside, I see McDonalds in my living room, the movie Us on the tv, and my siblings and dad sitting down waiting for me. It was kinda dark because my dad had put curtains over all of our windows. I’m guessing he did that to make the scenery more scarier we have school tomorrow and can’t stay up too late. Ok everyone listen up! There are going to be some spoilers in this blog, not everything about the movie but a little. And since this is my first movie review blog, I’m going to be a little trash at this. So if you don’t want to be spoiled, CONTINUE READING AT YOUR OWN RISK! Ok now since that’s done let’s continue. So at the beginning we see a little bit about the moms backstory, we then meet the main characters. I already forgot their names so I’m just going to call them the family. So the movie at first is all happy and enjoyable but then turns to horror real quick. They meet their doubles, get terrified and try to fight back, that other family gets killed, and the family is ready to fight themselves. And all while this is happening, we get to learn more and more about the mom and her double. So I’m not gonna say the ending because most people who have watched it know it, but I will say the plot twist................. The mom’s double is actually the real mom! So when we see the real little girl go into that mirrors place we see that she gets knocked out by her double. The double then takes her to this underground place where all the doubles are kept at. (I think) The double ties up the real little girl and leaves her there to live her life. That’s why in her flashbacks she always acts weird as if she was the double. That’s why the “double mom” could talk! So all this time we were rooting for the wrong person, cause the real mom wanted to get here family back, and with the help of her family’s doubles, but unfortunately they didn’t succeed. But at least the siblings might know about this secret! So I’d rate this movie a 9/10, it was confusing at first but then the plot twist may be give it a better rating.
I hope you enjoyed today’s blog. And tell me what you think of my first movie review blog.
Aaliyah K.
I hope you enjoyed today’s blog. And tell me what you think of my first movie review blog.
Aaliyah K.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
April 14th
Today I had another softball scrimmage but with younger girls. It was an ok scrimmage, the only thing about was that we had to show them mercy. But I mean when we went against the 13-14 year olds did they show us mercy!? No, they obliterated us even though we hadn’t have our first official practice. But getting back to the scrimmage the coaches decided for the younger girls to all bat. We had our 5th pitcher pitch for us, and my coaches would have me and our our catcher catch. At least that what I thought they said, cause as soon as the younger girls are done batting I go up to my coaches telling them I never catcher. They said they were “sorry” and they “forgot” but I didn’t want to hear it. Instead they made me catch for the younger girls since they didn’t have their catcher equipment. But you know how hard it is to be moving around everywhere with all that gear on, because each pitcher they had were throwing the ball all over the place. Like there was not a single spot in the back spot that I didn’t grab the ball from. But after the game I was able to kid with the team a little and even lead off their chant! Omg I am so gonna be their favorite on the team.
Hello there, I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog. And oh am is o close to catching up!
Aaliyah K.
Hello there, I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog. And oh am is o close to catching up!
Aaliyah K.
April 13th
I had a 5-Game basketball tournament for the weekend. I was playing for my travel team and we were playing in this arena that was really cool. They had 2 normal sized courts, 5 huge soccer fields, a humongous obstacle course, a arcade, a snack shop, and a mini restaurant in there! I don’t know why, but this place was more like those big hotels you go to that have everything. So for our two games on Saturday we played against a green and black team, we won 28-12, I did really good in my first game back. Then in our second game we won 22-9, I did okay since it was like a 2 hour break but I still got a couple of assists to my teammates. After our games when my dad and I were going home we passes this restaurant called Benihana which is a place where the chefs cook in front of you.(But that’s for another blog) So the next day (Sunday) we had three games instead of two because the last game was suppose to be the playoffs. We won our first two games but they were pretty hard. There were very low scoring games but my team was still able to pull it off. But the last game was by far the best for me because I had an.......... ANKLE BREAKER!!! I grabbed a rebound but this one girl was pressing, so I faked a cross to the left and crossed to the right and the defender felt for it so bad she literally fell on the ground! Oh yeah I’m so awesome, and then I had a big chase down block so the other team couldn’t score. But lastly after the game actually, I found out that the last 20 points my team had we either me scoring or assisting. I really could believe it, but we won 41-37.
I hoped you enjoyed my blog for today. I also hope that whoever is reading this doesn’t think that I lied.
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you enjoyed my blog for today. I also hope that whoever is reading this doesn’t think that I lied.
Aaliyah K.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
April 12th
Today I was going to the rec with my family to meet my younger brother’s coaches for T-ball. It was a cold night and I really didn’t want to go. But it seems this was the only time to meet the coaches before this big parade. So I still went and it was actually pretty fun, but what wasn’t so fun was the team he was on. He was on the CUBS! AND MY WHOLE FAMILY HATES THE CUBS! I was so upset, but there wasn’t even a White Sox team. What the heck! Is like the manager of the league a Cubs fans? I was so angry, but at least a couple of my friends from school were there. We talked a little (mainly about life) and we also talked about if our younger brother/sister was playing. But the best part was when this guy was announcing some stuff but I was just playing games on my phone. So I was sitting on the floor cause the bleachers were all filled. Then after like 3 straight minutes of playing on my phone, 4-5 little kids start to circle around me. They didn’t even make any noise, they just sat there watching me. (Or my screen whichever was more interesting) I don’t know why but I felt so cool! Sure I could here some adults laughing behind us (one even took a picture) but I still felt proud.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and I also hope if whoever is reading this blog is a Sox fan.
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you enjoyed today’s blog, and I also hope if whoever is reading this blog is a Sox fan.
Aaliyah K.
April 11th
Now to make up for my mistake, today’s blog will be about softball. So my coaches decided to have an hour long meet and greet for the players and parents. We talked about the schedules which were passed out, we then decided on our team name and uniforms. So before I get into that let me give you some background information. 3 years ago I decided to try out softball. Because I had already done basketball, baseball, swimming, and both tackle and flag football. So my parents wanted me to try a new sport, and softball was the first option. I decided to join the 10-11 year olds girls Berwyn Lighting. The team was pretty decent, we had 3-4 good pitchers, a lot of great hitters, and a couple of good fielders. So all in all, we combined our best players and Berwyn’s Blazers best players and our team name was the Berwyn Diamonds. Our team colors was blue and red, and with no travel girls our experienced girls, we won the District Championship. We then went to state and lost our first two games and got eliminated. But we were still happy about ourselves since we did a great job with a bunch of young and inexperienced girls. So back to today, a lot of girls were talking about changing the name and getting a new color uniform. After so much confusion going on in my head, I finally found out our team would now be called Berwyn Lazers (yes with a Z) and our teams colors were silver and white. I really couldn’t believe, it’s like everyone forgot about the Diamonds, because we made history with that team. Even to this day, I still can’t believe we will no longer be the Diamonds.
Hello everyone, I hoped you enjoyed my blog for today. You can kinda tell I was a little upset when writing this blog, but now I feel better. I can’t even wait to catch up on the challenge.
Aaliyah K.
Hello everyone, I hoped you enjoyed my blog for today. You can kinda tell I was a little upset when writing this blog, but now I feel better. I can’t even wait to catch up on the challenge.
Aaliyah K.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
April 10th
Today’s blog will be about basketball and softball. For basketball, I had a long practice. My team and I found out the hard way that our coach had a bad day. Because every little mistake we did he would make us do multiple suicides and down and backs. But what I don’t get that it was mainly because of the younger girls. Like for the older girls, they wouldn’t be paying attention, talking all the time, and even laughing but we wouldn’t run. But if a younger girl doesn’t answer a question right we would run. I counted at the end of practice that we ran 20 suicides and 35 down and backs. (Yes I counted because all we did was run for most of practice) Then my coach had the idea of making us do wall jumps a minute 6 times. Then we did this defensive drill where you have to touch two lines repeatedly. It was torture because you had to keep your eyes up and if you slowed down more time would be added to the timer. We didn’t even get any WATER BREAKS! When I went home I took forever to eat dinner, took a long and soothing bath, then in 2 minutes fell asleep.
Sorry for the inconvenience, I found out that I can’t write a blog about two different things. So my next blog will be about softball. Sorry about that again, but I hope you enjoyed today’s blog.
Aaliyah K.
Sorry for the inconvenience, I found out that I can’t write a blog about two different things. So my next blog will be about softball. Sorry about that again, but I hope you enjoyed today’s blog.
Aaliyah K.
April 9th
So you may all know that my school has started IAR testing. But for this blog I will be talking about something else. For today I had softball practice. It was the first official cause last time we had a scrimmage and then a meet and greet. So finally, after so many weeks I got to have my first practice with my new team. We first started doing throwing warmups where after every 10 throws we moved farther. Then we did some running/batting/fielding drills. One was where everyone would be at their position, but there would be three batters. So after the three batters got 15 hits they would switch with three other people who were fielding. But for the three batters, if they got a good rip on the ball on their last hit, they would get to run. And even after the other batter steps up to the plate, they could still run and steal. Then we did a little throwing competition where there would two lines made up on 18 girls. One coach was at the beginning of each line, and they would all start to throw at each other until the end, then start from the end throwing back to the beginning. We did this five times and my line won three out of five of those. After all the sweating and heavy breathing we got in a team huddle and talked about our schedule and parade that was coming up, we then said our goodbyes until tomorrow.
Hoped you enjoyed by blog for today. In my next one I’ll be talking about softball again and some basketball. But for the softball part, you'll get to learn something new about me.
Aaliyah K.
Hoped you enjoyed by blog for today. In my next one I’ll be talking about softball again and some basketball. But for the softball part, you'll get to learn something new about me.
Aaliyah K.
Monday, April 15, 2019
April 8th
Today was the day I would be going back to school. And oh was it a good one. I learned that from Wednesday-next Thursday my school would be taking the IAR test. For both ELA and math. Even though my life was about to become boring and frustrating, I still wanted to have a good time. I tried my hardest to be with my friends and have a good time. I tried to make all my classes more fun than usual. But I just couldn’t get the thought out of my head about the words, “IAR”. It kept getting stuck in my head, I tried not to worry about it, but it always kept coming up. Luckily though, I was able to have recess on Monday and Tuesday. And I was able to forget about it, but after both recess it kept coming back. Every single time, even at home, even at basketball/softball practice, even in my room trying to sleep. It just kept coming up, until my parents decided to set up my siblings and I to watch the movie “Us”. It was a great movie that I enjoyed, and after that I felt a lot more better. I even felt ready for the tests to begin.
I hoped you all enjoyed today’s blog, but now I’m officially on track. Cause it seems I had to do only two blogs for April 1st-April 7th, so technically this is my “1st” blog of the Slice of Life Challenge.
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you all enjoyed today’s blog, but now I’m officially on track. Cause it seems I had to do only two blogs for April 1st-April 7th, so technically this is my “1st” blog of the Slice of Life Challenge.
Aaliyah K.
Friday, April 12, 2019
April 7th
Today I didn’t do anything. I did my daily routine, wake up, eat, clean up, wash up, go on my phone for the next 2 hours, play on my PS4 for a couple of hours, play with my brother’s WWE figures, listen to Spotify, eat, watch my Hulu, eat again, do my chores, then sleep. But for some reason i just felt so uneasy for the whole day. Why you may ask, because tomorrow I’m going back to school! UGHHHHH! After a couple of days I’m gonna have to do some PARCC testing or IAR. Oh man I really don’t want to go to school. I tried to do my routine normally but just the thought of it would get stuck in my head. I even tried watching a rated R horror movie with my younger siblings, but it still wouldn’t go away. Even when I was watching my Hulu I couldn’t even concentrate on the anime that I was watching. Even when I was eating! And eating is supposed to be relaxing for me! Omg, I’m not even ready for it, cause this whole break I forgot everything about school. I was acting dumb, forgetting things, saying the wrong word, even my hearing was terrible. I just don’t even know what to do anymore. I don’t even think when I go to sleep Ill be able to sleep properly. Welp, wish me luck.
And that was my blog for today. As you can see, I was very frustrated and annoyed when I wrote this blog. But now all of that anger is gone, and feel a lot better. I hoped you enjoyed todays blog.
Aaliyah K.
And that was my blog for today. As you can see, I was very frustrated and annoyed when I wrote this blog. But now all of that anger is gone, and feel a lot better. I hoped you enjoyed todays blog.
Aaliyah K.
April 6th
Today my mom and dad and I went out to Famous Dave’s. But my younger siblings couldn’t come because they were at our grandparents house. So for the first time in 8 years I will be able to go out with my parents all by myself. Hooray for me! Well since it was pretty nice outside, we decided to walk there. It was a 20 minute walk, but for me could’ve been a 10 minute jog. Because you see my mom always talks to me about working out, but whenever we get the chance she never tries. And like my 65 year old grandma has just started working out at the gym. I told her it was the last straw, but then she gave me an idea. Why don’t me and her jog all the way to Famous Dave’s! I loved that idea, I was pumped stretching and jumping. But of course, as soon as 2 minutes pass she gives up. I wasn’t even tired pacing myself, and then she yells at me she’s tired. WHATTT! You’re suppose to have more stamina than me and you’re already tired! I couldn’t believed this, but I just kept jogging the whole time. After we got their we orders their feast and devoured the whole thing. But man was I still disappointed in my mom.
And that was my blog for today. I hoped you enjoy, and I can’t wait to see you in my next one.
Aaliyah K.
And that was my blog for today. I hoped you enjoy, and I can’t wait to see you in my next one.
Aaliyah K.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
April 5th
Today I had softball practice. I was excited cause the first practice I had didn’t go too well. But this time I was sure I was going to do good, and I did. We mostly did fielding, I was at third mainly making good throws to first and second. But then after a couple of plays I was switched to the catcher position. I put on my new navy blue catchers gear, it was fresh clean and it felt pretty light on me. I got on making a couple of decent throws at second and third. I made some great stops on wild pitches, and I didn’t get that dirty. Then we switched to some fielding and running drills if most of the practice. Then for the last 15 minutes we did a fun hitting, running, and throwing drill. One coach would lob a softball at you to hit from a certain angle. The two catchers (one is me) would switch out with a ball in their hands. (And no, they didn’t need their gear) Another coach would be at second waiting for one catcher to throw to them. So for the batters, after they got a good rip at the softball would run from first to second. At second they were suppose to slide in case they were in a situation like that. But after they rounded first, the catcher would throw to the coach at second so they could tag them out. Even if you were out or safe, you were expected to slide either way. We did this until everyone got a turn, and yes the catchers were able to do the drill also. After we all got dirty and said goodbyes, I had to go home and take a good shower to get all that dirt off of me.
I hoped you all enjoyed my blog for today. I really am enjoying this challenge more than I’m suppose to.
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you all enjoyed my blog for today. I really am enjoying this challenge more than I’m suppose to.
Aaliyah K.
April 4th
Today was a pretty normal day. I did the usual, wake up, eat, clean up, wash up, go on my phone for the next 2 hours, play on my PS4 for a couple of hours, play with my brother’s WWE figures, listen to Spotify, eat, watch my Hulu, eat again, do my chores, wash up, then sleep. But today was no ordinary day. After I got done eating some tacos for lunch today, my dad starts happily screaming. When I run to him and ask him what’s wrong he just smiles at me really creepily. He then let’s out a sign and says he got my younger sister and brother signed up. I tell him, “What, signed up, signed up for what?” He replies with, “SOFTBALL AND T-BALLLLLL!” WHATTTTTTTT!?!?!? I was so mad, they literally did soccer a year ago, why would they change it. Did they not like it, cause to me it seemed they enjoyed it. He tells me he’s been planning this for months now. By why wouldn’t he tell me that, I mean he knows softball was always my thing. But he comes up with the excuse that he wants them to try new things. I wanted to be happy for him, but I just could think (especially my sister) would be playing my sport. After a few minutes I got over it and decided to continue my daily routine. I went on my phone, got some chips, ran upstairs, and watch some anime.
And that was my blog for today, I hoped you enjoy. Hopefully with the pace I’m going at right now, I can finally catch up.
Aaliyah K.
And that was my blog for today, I hoped you enjoy. Hopefully with the pace I’m going at right now, I can finally catch up.
Aaliyah K.
April 3rd
Today I had basketball practice! You don’t even know how long it’s been since the last time I touched a basketball. I felt so relieved when we got there, I added a lot of people on my contacts. I met some new kids, and I was trash at first. I was air balling a lot, not being serious, and being slow. But after the first couple of suicides and drills I got my mojo back. Well not exactly, you see since I have a late birthday I am put down a grade. So like if my birthday was on May 6th, (wow that was so random) I would’ve been in 7th grade. But since I’m not I’m in 6th grade, the only difference is that I’m older than most 6th graders at the beginning and middle of the school year. So when we split up in groups, one group is 8th-7th grade girls, and 5th-6th grade girls. You can probably guess what group I was in. But even though I was with the younger girls, I still played seriously. I sinked in a lot of shots, passed a lot, ran a lot, had good defense, and as a reward a 30 minute from scrimmage at the end. A 5v5 with 2 subs scrimmage. It was the regular, I was team caption but couldn’t pick my best friend because we were “too good” and it was “unfair”. So I picked four other decent girls. First to 15, my team won 15-11. The loser had to run 5 down and backs. At the end we all took two free throws then gathered up in a huddled with the older girls. We talked about new uniforms and sighing some “contract” for the new season. We then all said our goodbyes until next Thursday of course!
I hoped you all enjoyed today’s blog. Can’t wait to write my next blog!
Aaliyah K.
I hoped you all enjoyed today’s blog. Can’t wait to write my next blog!
Aaliyah K.
April 2nd
Welcome back everyone, in this blog I will be continuing my schools Slice of Life challenge. I hope you enjoy.
So for today I would be getting a new phone case. Yeah I may have forgot to tell you this, but I didn’t have a phone until March 1st. And I’m a 12 year old who’s in 6th grade. Yeah my life was pretty depressing, but I’m not mad at my parents anymore. Ok now since that’s out the way, let’s continue the story. So my family decided to take me to the mall, and in the center if it there’s a guy who sells phone cases. After checking out a couple of iPhone cases (I have an Android) it was time to start picking. I already had told myself that the case had to be blue with a stand on the back. Why you may ask, why because my neck often hurts when I’m bending down at my phone. It may not seem normal, but you know for most of my life I had to use an iPad with no stand. Ok anyways, after looking for about 2 minutes, I decided to pick a baby blue case with white detailed flowers and symbols on it. I really liked it, and who cares if it was girly it still was cool to me. After we left I started showing it off to my younger siblings, and boy did it feel great. I just felt so much more superior than them hahahaha!
And that was my second blog of the challenge. I really hoped you enjoy, and by the way from now on I’ll just go straight into the blog. Sorry, but after the challenge I’ll make sure to greet you guys even more.
Aaliyah K.
So for today I would be getting a new phone case. Yeah I may have forgot to tell you this, but I didn’t have a phone until March 1st. And I’m a 12 year old who’s in 6th grade. Yeah my life was pretty depressing, but I’m not mad at my parents anymore. Ok now since that’s out the way, let’s continue the story. So my family decided to take me to the mall, and in the center if it there’s a guy who sells phone cases. After checking out a couple of iPhone cases (I have an Android) it was time to start picking. I already had told myself that the case had to be blue with a stand on the back. Why you may ask, why because my neck often hurts when I’m bending down at my phone. It may not seem normal, but you know for most of my life I had to use an iPad with no stand. Ok anyways, after looking for about 2 minutes, I decided to pick a baby blue case with white detailed flowers and symbols on it. I really liked it, and who cares if it was girly it still was cool to me. After we left I started showing it off to my younger siblings, and boy did it feel great. I just felt so much more superior than them hahahaha!
And that was my second blog of the challenge. I really hoped you enjoy, and by the way from now on I’ll just go straight into the blog. Sorry, but after the challenge I’ll make sure to greet you guys even more.
Aaliyah K.
April 1st
Hello everyone, for the next couple of blogs I will be doing my schools Slice of Life challenge. It means I have to blog for all of the month of April. I hope you enjoy.
It was the start of my big break. To start it off, I had a softball scrimmage against 13-14 year old girls. Even though we got murdered, I still had a lot of fun. I was 3-4, a single, a single, a HBP (hit by pitch ), and a strikeout. My fielding was pretty good, I play catcher and I have a really good arm. I can move very fast even with all that gear on me. I stopped wild pitches by sacrificing my body. And I’m tough so I didn’t have as much bruises as I usually had. My team on defense was good, we may have missed out on some pretty easy outs, but we still were able to get out of the inning before the mercy rule. Our hitting was slow at the start, but at the end we were having a streak going on. On base I stole 4 bases, and an additional 2 for stealing home. Cause oh boy do I love sliding at home and getting dirty. At the end of the game we all got treats because in a couple of weeks we would get our uniforms and schedule to start the season. And i just cant wait to go up against Lagrange.
And that was my first official blog for the challenge. I hope you all can make it to my others!
Aaliyah K.
It was the start of my big break. To start it off, I had a softball scrimmage against 13-14 year old girls. Even though we got murdered, I still had a lot of fun. I was 3-4, a single, a single, a HBP (hit by pitch ), and a strikeout. My fielding was pretty good, I play catcher and I have a really good arm. I can move very fast even with all that gear on me. I stopped wild pitches by sacrificing my body. And I’m tough so I didn’t have as much bruises as I usually had. My team on defense was good, we may have missed out on some pretty easy outs, but we still were able to get out of the inning before the mercy rule. Our hitting was slow at the start, but at the end we were having a streak going on. On base I stole 4 bases, and an additional 2 for stealing home. Cause oh boy do I love sliding at home and getting dirty. At the end of the game we all got treats because in a couple of weeks we would get our uniforms and schedule to start the season. And i just cant wait to go up against Lagrange.
And that was my first official blog for the challenge. I hope you all can make it to my others!
Aaliyah K.
Friday, February 8, 2019
My Book Reviews
Hey there, in this blog I will be talking about 4 books that I've really enjoyed reading.
Unstoppable: So this book is about a 14 year old boy who dominates his junior football team as their star running back. He has tons of friends and family who care for him. His dream was to be in the NFL, but something unexpectedly happens. He is diagnosed with bone cancer causing him to lose one of his legs. We then get to know a lot about Harrison’s (the main character) backstory. Like how he had abusived parents, he killed his past father Mr. Constable, and how he can be a very angry boy. So with the help of his friends and family (supporting characters), can he become an unstoppable running back once again? My rating for this book would be a 5/5 guaranteed. I recommend this book to 5th-8th graders who enjoy reading sport chapter books.

The Big Time: This book is about a boy named Troy who is a great athletic all-around football player. His dream is to have enough money for college so he can be easily scouted by the NFL. He also wants to buy his mom a nice house and car cause she’s the only family he’s got. But then all of a sudden, man comes through his door one day saying he is Troy’s father. The truth is, he is! But he has abandoned Troy and his mother. Will Troy accept his father and have a chance at getting into to the NFL? My rating would be a 5/5 guaranteed. I recommend this book to 5th-8th graders who enjoy reading sport chapter books.

Deep Zone: Troy White who is the star quarterback on his team seems unstoppable. His older brother Thane plays for the Jets who inspires Troy. His best friend Tate is always there for Troy. Until Ty Lewis comes and makes Troy’s life miserable. When these two battle it out, all chaos breaks loose. Who will come on top? And who will take Tate home as a prize? I give this a 4/5 just because I can get bored at some times. I recommend this book to 5th-8th graders who enjoy reading sport chapter books.

Out Of Left Field: This book is about a girl named Katy Gordan who is the best pitcher in her neighborhood. But when she tryouts for Little League, she does great but since she’s a girl, she isn’t allowed to play. Why, because baseball has always been a boys game, no matter how good you are and you’re a girl, you won’t get to play baseball. But after Katy starts doing some research, she finds out there’s a lot of unknown girls baseball players. She has a lot of question how nobody remembers these woman. But can this 10 year old girl change Little League rules? I give this a 5/5 guaranteed, you will never get bored from this book. I recommend this book to 5th-8th grade girls who enjoy reading sport chapter books.
And those were my book reviews, I hope you enjoyed my blogs for today!
Aaliyah K.

The Big Time: This book is about a boy named Troy who is a great athletic all-around football player. His dream is to have enough money for college so he can be easily scouted by the NFL. He also wants to buy his mom a nice house and car cause she’s the only family he’s got. But then all of a sudden, man comes through his door one day saying he is Troy’s father. The truth is, he is! But he has abandoned Troy and his mother. Will Troy accept his father and have a chance at getting into to the NFL? My rating would be a 5/5 guaranteed. I recommend this book to 5th-8th graders who enjoy reading sport chapter books.

Deep Zone: Troy White who is the star quarterback on his team seems unstoppable. His older brother Thane plays for the Jets who inspires Troy. His best friend Tate is always there for Troy. Until Ty Lewis comes and makes Troy’s life miserable. When these two battle it out, all chaos breaks loose. Who will come on top? And who will take Tate home as a prize? I give this a 4/5 just because I can get bored at some times. I recommend this book to 5th-8th graders who enjoy reading sport chapter books.

Out Of Left Field: This book is about a girl named Katy Gordan who is the best pitcher in her neighborhood. But when she tryouts for Little League, she does great but since she’s a girl, she isn’t allowed to play. Why, because baseball has always been a boys game, no matter how good you are and you’re a girl, you won’t get to play baseball. But after Katy starts doing some research, she finds out there’s a lot of unknown girls baseball players. She has a lot of question how nobody remembers these woman. But can this 10 year old girl change Little League rules? I give this a 5/5 guaranteed, you will never get bored from this book. I recommend this book to 5th-8th grade girls who enjoy reading sport chapter books.
And those were my book reviews, I hope you enjoyed my blogs for today!
Aaliyah K.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Blackfish and Orca’s Review
Hi there, in this blog I will be talking about these 3 articles I have read about SeaWorld and Blackfish.
So I learned that SeaWorld has just had their very last baby whale this year. I learned that they will stop taking in whales by 2019 because this supposedly upsets people. It even upsets a group of people called PETA, there are people who take care and treat animals. I learned that places like San Diego, have built larger pools for their whales. I also learned that there was a movie called “Blackfish” made in 2013 that describes SeaWorld treating whales poorly. The movie says how whales living in parks is bad. But SeaWorld says how they provide a safe home for more than 29 orcas. I’ve also learned which has surprised me that female whales live up to 90 years, and male whales live up to 70 years!
From all this information, this tells me that no matter how much SeaWorld provides help for orcas, they need to let them go so they can love in their natural habitats. People that visit SeaWorld are angered by this, a professional group is angered by this, even a movie was made about this. That is why by 2019, SeaWorld will not be having anymore whale shows, and will not be taking in anymore whales.
Thank you for reading my review on my articles, and I hope you enjoyed the blog for today.
Aaliyah K.
So I learned that SeaWorld has just had their very last baby whale this year. I learned that they will stop taking in whales by 2019 because this supposedly upsets people. It even upsets a group of people called PETA, there are people who take care and treat animals. I learned that places like San Diego, have built larger pools for their whales. I also learned that there was a movie called “Blackfish” made in 2013 that describes SeaWorld treating whales poorly. The movie says how whales living in parks is bad. But SeaWorld says how they provide a safe home for more than 29 orcas. I’ve also learned which has surprised me that female whales live up to 90 years, and male whales live up to 70 years!
From all this information, this tells me that no matter how much SeaWorld provides help for orcas, they need to let them go so they can love in their natural habitats. People that visit SeaWorld are angered by this, a professional group is angered by this, even a movie was made about this. That is why by 2019, SeaWorld will not be having anymore whale shows, and will not be taking in anymore whales.
Thank you for reading my review on my articles, and I hope you enjoyed the blog for today.
Aaliyah K.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Should We Have School Uniforms?
Hi there, in this blog a question will be answered by yours truly. Should we or should we not have school uniforms? In these 3 bullet points I will be saying why we shouldn’t. I hope you enjoy!
And those were my 3 bullet points on why we shouldn’t have school uniforms. And if you agreed with my reasons, you can also share your opinion to others.
Aaliyah K.
- School uniforms can be too expensive especially if you have siblings. If you were to pay for you and your sibilings school uniform, the cost will probably be over $100.
- You can be uncomfortable since you grow a lot in 6th grade. Or in other words, go through a growth spurt. Because if this, it can be a bad distraction for you learning.
- My last reason is that you won’t be able to show off your own fashion. Instead of expressing yourself to others about who you really are, you’ll have to wear the same shirt and pants everyday until you finish 8th grade.
And those were my 3 bullet points on why we shouldn’t have school uniforms. And if you agreed with my reasons, you can also share your opinion to others.
Aaliyah K.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
My One Word
Hello there, it’s been a while but I’m back. To get things started, Merry Late Christmas! Happy Late New Year everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed 2018, but now it is another year for more fun. So you may all know that people instead of doing a New Year’s Resolution, do a One Word that basically describes what they’re going to do in 2019. So today I will be introducing you all to my One Word, describing what it means and what I am going to do through 2019! I hope you enjoy this blog.
Not since that’s settled let’s get down to business. My One Word of 2019 is.............. Self-Care! I picked this word not only because I kept getting it in trivia’s, but I thought it might drastically improve my life.
So if you don’t know what self care is let me tell you. Self-care is obviously taking care of yourself. Yeah it’s good to care about others but sometimes you need time to yourself so you can for yourself. Physically, mentally, body, brain, health, and other stuff about you. And you can do this wherever like in your house or school, or outside, or maybe even on a vacation you can have self care.
So the part how I said that this could drastically improve my life, is actually true. So I gotta tell you, I am not really the perfect kind of person you could picture me. Sometimes I can get out of hand. Like not paying attention or not listening at home and school. Yeah, sometimes I can be a really pain. But with this, I won’t be a pain no more. I will change and be a different person that you can count on and be friends with. So with this I will take more time to myself by making reading a book I like, or watching anime (I’m obsessed with it), I might be using my PS4 (no, I don’t play Fortnite), or I just locked myself in a room that I can sleep in. But while I’m doing this, I’ll make sure I have nothing to do so nothing can get in the way of my laziness!
I hoped you enjoyed this blog for today, sorry about my big break but I’m just glad I’m back. Just a daily reminder though, 5 more months until school ends!
Aaliyah K.
Not since that’s settled let’s get down to business. My One Word of 2019 is.............. Self-Care! I picked this word not only because I kept getting it in trivia’s, but I thought it might drastically improve my life.
So if you don’t know what self care is let me tell you. Self-care is obviously taking care of yourself. Yeah it’s good to care about others but sometimes you need time to yourself so you can for yourself. Physically, mentally, body, brain, health, and other stuff about you. And you can do this wherever like in your house or school, or outside, or maybe even on a vacation you can have self care.
So the part how I said that this could drastically improve my life, is actually true. So I gotta tell you, I am not really the perfect kind of person you could picture me. Sometimes I can get out of hand. Like not paying attention or not listening at home and school. Yeah, sometimes I can be a really pain. But with this, I won’t be a pain no more. I will change and be a different person that you can count on and be friends with. So with this I will take more time to myself by making reading a book I like, or watching anime (I’m obsessed with it), I might be using my PS4 (no, I don’t play Fortnite), or I just locked myself in a room that I can sleep in. But while I’m doing this, I’ll make sure I have nothing to do so nothing can get in the way of my laziness!
I hoped you enjoyed this blog for today, sorry about my big break but I’m just glad I’m back. Just a daily reminder though, 5 more months until school ends!
Aaliyah K.
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