Tuesday, April 16, 2019

April 10th

Today’s blog will be about basketball and softball.  For basketball, I had a long practice. My team and I found out the hard way that our coach had a bad day. Because every little mistake we did he would make us do multiple suicides and down and backs. But what I don’t get that it was mainly because of the younger girls. Like for the older girls, they wouldn’t be paying attention, talking all the time, and even laughing but we wouldn’t run. But if a younger girl doesn’t answer a question right we would run. I counted at the end of practice that we ran 20 suicides and 35 down and backs. (Yes I counted because all we did was run for most of practice) Then my coach had the idea of making us do wall jumps a minute 6 times. Then we did this defensive drill where you have to touch two lines repeatedly. It was torture because you had to keep your eyes up and if you slowed down more time would be added to the timer. We didn’t even get any WATER BREAKS! When I went home I took forever to eat dinner, took a long and soothing bath, then in 2 minutes fell asleep.

Sorry for the inconvenience, I found out that I can’t write a blog about two different things. So my next blog will be about softball. Sorry about that again, but I hope you enjoyed today’s blog.


                                                                                                                                                 Aaliyah K.

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