Thursday, April 11, 2019

April 3rd

Today I had basketball practice! You don’t even know how long it’s been since the last time I touched a basketball. I felt so relieved when we got there, I added a lot of people on my contacts. I met some new kids, and I was trash at first. I was air balling a lot, not being serious, and being slow. But after the first couple of suicides and drills I got my mojo back. Well not exactly, you see since I have a late birthday I am put down a grade. So like if my birthday was on May 6th, (wow that was so random) I would’ve been in 7th grade. But since I’m not I’m in 6th grade, the only difference is that I’m older than most 6th graders at the beginning and middle of the school year. So when we split up in groups, one group is 8th-7th grade girls, and 5th-6th grade girls. You can probably guess what group I was in. But even though I was with the younger girls, I still played seriously. I sinked in a lot of shots, passed a lot, ran a lot, had good defense, and as a reward a 30 minute from scrimmage at the end. A 5v5 with 2 subs scrimmage. It was the regular, I was team caption but couldn’t pick my best friend because we were “too good” and it was “unfair”. So I picked four other decent girls. First to 15, my team won 15-11. The loser had to run 5 down and backs. At the end we all took two free throws then gathered up in a huddled with the older girls. We talked about new uniforms and sighing some “contract” for the new season. We then all said our goodbyes until next Thursday of course!

I hoped you all enjoyed today’s blog. Can’t wait to write my next blog!

                                                                                                                                                 Aaliyah K.

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