Wednesday, April 17, 2019

April 11th

Now to make up for my mistake, today’s blog will be about softball. So my coaches decided to have an hour long meet and greet for the players and parents. We talked about the schedules which were passed out, we then decided on our team name and uniforms. So before I get into that let me give you some background information. 3 years ago I decided to try out softball. Because I had already done basketball, baseball, swimming, and both tackle and flag football. So my parents wanted me to try a new sport, and softball was the first option. I decided to join the 10-11 year olds girls Berwyn Lighting. The team was pretty decent, we had 3-4 good pitchers, a lot of great hitters, and a couple of good fielders. So all in all, we combined our best players and Berwyn’s Blazers best players and our team name was the Berwyn Diamonds. Our team colors was blue and red, and with no travel girls our experienced girls, we won the District Championship. We then went to state and lost our first two games and got eliminated. But we were still happy about ourselves since we did a great job with a bunch of young and inexperienced girls. So back to today, a lot of girls were talking about changing the name and getting a new color uniform. After so much confusion going on in my head, I finally found out our team would now be called Berwyn Lazers (yes with a Z) and our teams colors were silver and white. I really couldn’t believe, it’s like everyone forgot about the Diamonds, because we made history with that team. Even to this day, I still can’t believe we will no longer be the Diamonds.

Hello everyone, I hoped you enjoyed my blog for today. You can kinda tell I was a little upset when writing this blog, but now I feel better. I can’t even wait to catch up on the challenge.

                                                                                                                                                 Aaliyah K.

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