Wednesday, April 24, 2019

April 21st

Today my dad and siblings and I went to Proska Park to get some extra practice. This hour long practice would be for all three of us, and a little for my dad. So we started out fielding for my waisted and I since she might be a first baseman. So my dad would be hitting softballs to me or my sister. If he did it to me, I would either overhand or underhand throw to her. But if it was hit to her, then she would run back to first base. And while my dad was hitting us softballs, my brother would be running to first, so we had a very slow timer on us. After about like 30 throws, running back and forth, and hitting my sister and I switched. But my sister was actually a lot more better at second base, she was stopping fast balls coming at her, and making decent throws to first. Once again after like 30 throws it was time for batting. My sister started first with 10 hittable pitches to her, she made really good contact with the ball. Then once she was done it was my brother turn. After we got the t-ball set ready and his baseballs he was making some pretty decent hits. He may have struggled at first, but overall he did pretty good at batting. Then he did like 10 throws to my dad. Then it was my turn, 15 good pitches at me, obviously crushed them all to the outfield. After we finished we went to the park until we were finally exhausted. So we had to go home, take a shower, eat, and get ready for bed.

I hoped you all enjoyed today’s blog. And if you get the chance, try out softball and/or baseball.

                                                                                                                                                 Aaliyah K.

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